World NGO Day 2024 | Theme | History & Significance | Quotes | 2024

World NGO Day is celebrated annually on February 27 to recognize and honor the humanitarian efforts of non-profit organizations in 89 countries and was initiated by the Baltic Sea NGO Forum in 2010, this day recognizes the significant contribution of NGOs in addressing various humanitarian issues, including health, education and employment.

World NGO Day

About Non-governmental organization (NGO) ↴

N.G.O.” means non-governmental organization and refers to any non-profit group that operates independently of the government. The term was first used in Article 71 of the United Nations Charter in 1945. Important players are non-governmental organizations, also called non-profit organizations (NPOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), charitable groups, membership organizations, charitable organizations or the third sector. in various areas of public action such as development, human rights, humanitarian aid, gender equality and the environment.

World NGO Day 2024 ⇢ Theme

The theme of World NGO Day 2024 is “Building a Sustainable Future: The Role of NGOs in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)“. This theme highlights the vital role NGOs play in addressing global challenges and working towards a more sustainable future.


World NGO Day, initiated by social entrepreneur Marcis Liors Skadmanis in 2009, gained global recognition on 27 February 2014. The day was established by the Baltic Sea NGO Forum in 2010 and officially approved in 2012. The day initially gained attention from 12 participating countries. The World Day of Non-Governmental Organizations gained wide recognition only in 2014 with the support of the European Union, the United Nations and other international bodies. This history traces its evolution from a regional initiative to a globally watched event, highlighting the vital role of non-profit and non-governmental organizations in more than 89 countries on six continents.


World NGO Day, proposed by the Baltic Sea NGO Forum in 2010 and officially endorsed in 2012, has evolved into a key platform for recognizing and creating awareness of the impact-making efforts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Global recognition of World NGO Day, which was initially limited to states participating in the Forum, gained momentum in 2014, gaining the attention of international bodies such as the United Nations and the European Union. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the dedicated individuals who support NGOs and aims to increase public engagement and shine a light on humanitarian issues that often go unnoticed.

The importance of World NGO Day lies in its emphasis on recognizing the invaluable contribution of NGOs in bridging the gaps left by government bodies, particularly in the areas of human rights, children’s rights, social and environmental issues and animal welfare. This day inspires public engagement, promotes collaboration between NGOs and the public and private sectors, and highlights the critical contribution these organizations make to solving myriad global societal challenges.

World NGO Day ⇢ Quotes

  • “NGOs are the unsung heroes of our communities, working tirelessly to build bridges, inspire change and create a world that is compassionate and just.”
  • “On World NGO Day, let’s celebrate the dedicated individuals and organizations who make a difference every day, and prove that together we can make a positive and lasting impact.”
  • “NGOs are the heart and soul of humanity, showing us the power of collective action and the difference we can make when we come together for a common purpose.”
  • “In the tapestry of global progress, NGOs are the living threads that weave hope, resilience and compassion into the fabric of our shared future.”
  • “Today we honor the silent warriors, the NGOs who work tirelessly behind the scenes, advocating for change, uplifting communities and making the world a better place.”
  • “NGOs embody the spirit of hope, turning compassion into action and dreams into reality.”

World NGO Day 2024 | Theme | History & Significance | Quotes | 2024

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