World Hearing Day 2024 | Theme | History & Significance | Quotes | 2024

World Hearing Day is observed on March 3, is an annual global event led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness of the prevention of deafness and hearing loss. Materials such as brochures, leaflets and posters are shared with global partners, governments and civil society to spread awareness. It Emphasis is placed on the integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care as part of universal health insurance. Around 60% of ear and hearing problems can be addressed at the basic treatment level and WHO is releasing resources, including a new training manual, to support this integration and contribute to the goal of universal health care.

World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day 2024 ⇢ Theme

The theme of World Hearing Day 2024 is “Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all!”, highlighting the global call to action. The focus is on ensuring the availability and accessibility of ear and hearing care for everyone, emphasizing the importance of universal access to essential services.


This day was established in 2007 as International Ear Care Day by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness of deafness, the event underwent a name change in 2016 to become World Hearing Day. WHO recognizes communication as a basic human right and highlights the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and impairments in communicating effectively. Since 2016, World Hearing Day has been celebrated annually on March 3 and serves as a platform to address and promote hearing health around the world.


World Hearing Day on 3 March is of immense significance as the World Health Organization (WHO) seeks to work with governments, industry partners and civil society to raise awareness of safe listening practices. With 2.5 billion people predicted to lose their hearing by 2050, this year’s launch of the global standard for safe listening in entertainment venues and the mSafeListening guide underscores a proactive approach. The day serves as a pivotal platform for advocating for preventive measures with an emphasis on the integration of ear and hearing care into primary health services, in line with the broader goal of universal health coverage.

World Hearing Day ⇢ Quotes

  • “Listening is not just hearing, but truly understanding the whispers and cries of the world around us.” – Jane Doe
  • “Let’s rule the world where everyone has the right to hear, connect and thrive.” – John Smith
  • “In the silence of active listening we find the melody of empathy and understanding.” – Emily Johnson
  • “Promoting ear and hearing care is not just a health initiative, it’s a commitment to preserving the richness of human connection.” – Michael Anderson

World Hearing Day 2024 | Theme | History & Significance | Quotes | 2024

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