
Odisha Declares Gupteswar Forest as its Fourth Bio-Diversity Heritage Site 2024 | Why is Gupteswar Forest in Odisha Declared a Bio-Diversity Heritage Site? | 2024

Odisha recently declared Gupteswar forest in Koraput district as its fourth Biodiversity Heritage Site (BHS). This landmark announcement follows the inclusion of Mandasar in Kandhamala district, Mahendragiri in Gajpati district and Gandhamardan in Bargarh & Bolangir districts as BHS. About Gupteswar Forest ↴ Location ↴ Importance ↴ Key faunal species ↴ Key types of flowers […]

Understanding Atmospheric River

What’s in the NEWS Recently California was hit by atmospheric river storm. The record breaking rainfall has led to the declaration of state emergency. The storm is due to ‘atmospheric rain’ phenomenon. Due to this the loss of life and property has been significant. Imagine a massive river flowing high above the Earth, carrying enough […]

Mountain Ranges in India | 2024

India is home to several Mountain Ranges, each poses unique characteristics and significance. So now we’ll be discussing them in detail. Mountain Ranges Overview: Himalayan Mountain Formed due to convergence of tectonic plates.Himalayas are the youngest fold mountains in the world. At present there are four divisions formed in Himalayas due to folding. These four […]

Indian River System | Drainage System of India | Major Rivers of India | 2024

Indian River System Overview ↴ Many rivers in Indian River System discharge their water into the Bay of Bengal. Some rivers in the western part of the country flow into the Arabian Sea. There is inland drainage in certain areas such as the northern parts of the Aravalli Range, parts of Ladakh and the arid Thar […]

National Parks in India | 2024

A national park serves as a vital sanctuary for ecosystems and wildlife. These protected areas play a crucial role in preserving biodiversity by safeguarding habitats from human interference such as urban development, deforestation, and pollution. Within national parks, natural processes unfold undisturbed, allowing plant and animal species to thrive and evolve. National parks in India […]

Exploring the Coral Reefs – ‘Rainforest of the Ocean’

What’s in the NEWS Researchers recently discovered that the presence of certain microbes can provide with the information of the survival of a Coral Reefs from the heat stress brought by the climate change. The scientists collected the samples of corals from across the Mediterranean Sea and analyzed the bacteria living with them. The study […]

The Bermuda Triangle | Mystery | All you need to know | 2024

Naming of the Bermuda Triangle The term “Bermuda Triangle” was coined in a 1964 article by Vincent H. Gaddis. This designation includes a mysterious area located between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The area has gained notoriety for a series of mysterious disappearances involving planes and ships, leading to various theories and speculations about the […]

Unraveling Plate Tectonics – Earth’s Amazing Puzzle

What’s in the NEWS Geophysicists recently discovered that Indian tectonic plate that leads to the growth of Himalayas could be the reason of Tibet being split. The research was presented at the meeting of American Geophysical Union. According to the researcher the Indian plate might be delaminating while sliding under the Eurasian plate. Being a […]

Kashmir’s Snowless Winter – Uncommon Weather Pattern Raises Concern

What’s in the NEWS Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, are well know tourist destinations because of the splendid beauty they offer. One of their main tourist attractions are their snow covered mountains and hill stations. But this year both these regions have encountered a decline in the flow of tourists because of snowless winters in […]

How does Earthquake happen? | What Causes an Earthquake? | Everything you need to know | 2024

Earth’s Structure The Earth is constructed of tectonic plates, numbering about 19 to 20 pieces, which keep them in constant motion. These plates float above a hot, partially molten layer known as the mantle. Plate Movements The movement of tectonic plates, which ranges from 1 to 10 centimeters per year, is attributed to the Earth’s […]

Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Plane Crash | What is happening?

January 1, 2024 Earthquake in Japan In the wake of the devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan, the nation has been dealing with a cascade of disasters. Initial tsunami warnings, triggered by the seismic tremor, created an air of urgency, but were subsequently downgraded. The aftermath revealed grim destruction – dozens of buildings lay […]

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