
Blue Economy 2.0 Scheme | Union Interim Budget 2024-25 | Can Blue Economy 2.0 Boost India’s Maritime Growth? | 2024

Blue Economy 2.0 Scheme Blue Economy 2.0, a strategic plan to support India’s ongoing efforts to unlock the vast potential of the blue maritime economy. This initiative seeks to promote climate-resilient activities, including recovery and adaptation measures, with a particular focus on integrated coastal aquaculture and mariculture. Understanding Aquaculture and Mariculture ↴ Aquaculture ⇢ Cultivation […]

Union Budget 2024 | FM Nirmala Sitharaman | Interim Budget 2024 | All You Need to Know | 2024

Union Budget 2024: Introduction and overview ↴ Interim budget for 2024–25 ↴ Positive transformations in the last decade ↴ Focus on inclusive development ↴ Budget Details Amount (in lakh crores) Revised Estimates 2023-24 ↴ Total Receipts (other than borrowings) 27.56 Tax Receipts 23.24% Fiscal Deficit 5.8% of GDP Budget Estimates 2024-25 ↴ Total Receipts (other […]

Inflation | Reasons for Inflation | Everything you need to know | 2024

Reasons for Inflation Economic boom and increased demand↴ Cost inflation from rising raw material prices↴ Wage inflation pressure with salary increases↴ Currency debasement and excessive money printing↴ Extreme Cases of Inflation The mention of hyperinflation in countries like Venezuela and Zimbabwe points to extreme cases where inflation has gotten out of control. In these cases, […]

Mutual Funds | Everything you need to know | 2024

Introduction to Savings Individuals often set aside a portion of their salary for future needs or potential investments. While the conventional approach involves depositing these savings in a bank account, this method can inadvertently lead to a decline in the real value of money over time due to the impact of inflation. As inflation continues […]

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