Current Affairs

WHO Launches the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) | Why is this initiative vital for global health? | 2024

The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially launched the Global Initiative on Digital Health (GIDH) was Launched at the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting in India, the initiative is set to revolutionize the digital healthcare landscape globally. GIDH, to be administered by WHO, aims to overcome challenges such as duplication of effort and a “product-centric” approach […]

Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative 2024 | Transforming Infrastructure Planning in India | Sangam Positive Digital Twin Impact | How does Sangam reshape India’s planning with Digital Twins? | 2024

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) recently introduced the ‘Sangam: Digital Twin initiative‘, a Concept aimed at transforming infrastructure planning and design in India. This innovative project combines the power of Digital Twin technology with artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, 6G and next-generation computing technologies. Key objectives ↴ The Sangam initiative brings together all […]

Odisha Declares Gupteswar Forest as its Fourth Bio-Diversity Heritage Site 2024 | Why is Gupteswar Forest in Odisha Declared a Bio-Diversity Heritage Site? | 2024

Odisha recently declared Gupteswar forest in Koraput district as its fourth Biodiversity Heritage Site (BHS). This landmark announcement follows the inclusion of Mandasar in Kandhamala district, Mahendragiri in Gajpati district and Gandhamardan in Bargarh & Bolangir districts as BHS. About Gupteswar Forest ↴ Location ↴ Importance ↴ Key faunal species ↴ Key types of flowers […]

Smart Gram Panchayat Launched by Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) 2024 | Can Smart Gram Panchayat Bridge the Digital Divide? | 2024

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) has recently launched a ‘Smart Gram Panchayat‘ pilot project in Begusarai district of Bihar and it was funded under the revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, the initiative aims to extend the reach of the Prime Minister’s WiFi Access Network Interface (PM-WANI) service to all gram panchayats in the region. […]

First Global Biodiversity Financing Facility Discussion Held in U.S. at Global Environment Facility Meeting 2024 | Where Was the First GBFF Council Meeting Held? | 2024

The Global Biodiversity Financing Facility (GBFF) is a key initiative aimed at accelerating the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) was launched in 2023 at the Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility in Vancouver, Canada, the GBFF has already received support from 186 countries. The GBFF’s primary objective is to expand funding […]

India’s Neighbourhood First Policy (NFP) 2024 | Which countries are NFP priorities? | 2024

India’s Neighbourhood First Policy (NFP) is a strategic approach aimed at building strong relations with neighboring countries. This policy underlines a consultative, non-reciprocal and results-oriented approach to improving connectivity, infrastructure, development cooperation, security and people-to-people contacts. The 5S principle of neighborhood engagement – ​​Samman, Samvad, Shanti, Samriddhi and Sanskriti – forms the basis of this […]

3D-Printed Brain Tissue | Scientists developed Working 3D-Printed Brain Tissue 2024 | How Could This Transform the Treatment of Brain Disorders? | 2024

Scientists developed the world’s first 3D-printed brain tissue that mimics the functionality of the human brain. This technology is composed to revolutionize research programs, especially those dedicated to finding treatments for neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Understanding 3D-Printed Brain Tissue ↴ 3D-Printed Brain Tissue, also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing […]

India’s Methane Hotspots Revealed 2024 | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | What Are India’s Methane Hotspots? | 2024

A recent study by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), used satellite data to identify methane hotspots emissions in India, marking a major milestone in environmental research. This first-of-its-kind initiative used data from NASA’s Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) and the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P TROPOMI. Key takeaways ↴ This study has revealed an […]

India Fencing Myanmar Border | Why is India Fencing its Myanmar Border? | India Strengthens Myanmar Border Defense | 2024

India has announced plans to fence the entire 1,643 kilometer stretch of its border with Myanmar Border. The primary objective is to improve surveillance capabilities, create a patrol lane for effective monitoring and address various cross-border threats, including terrorism, illegal migration, smuggling and human trafficking. The need for India-Myanmar Border fencing ↴ Border Fencing Issues […]

Uniform Civil Code Bill 2024 | Uttarakhand Assembly | How Does Uttarakhand’s UCC Bill Shape Legal Equality? | 2024

The Uttarakhand Assembly recently introduced the Uniform Civil Code Bill 2024, a major step towards a uniform legal framework for citizens irrespective of their religion. If the bill becomes law, Uttarakhand will become the first state in independent India to enact the Uniform Civil Code. Historical context of Uniform Civil Code Bill 2024↴ Since its […]

The Public Examinations Bill (Prevention of Unfair Means) 2024 | Can the New 2024 Bill Make Exams Fairer? | 2024

The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Bill 2024, was introduced in the Lok Sabha. The primary objective is to instill greater transparency and fairness in control systems while addressing growing concerns about unfair means. This bill is set to complement existing government initiatives such as the introduction of self-certification and shortening the examination cycle […]

Understanding Atmospheric River

What’s in the NEWS Recently California was hit by atmospheric river storm. The record breaking rainfall has led to the declaration of state emergency. The storm is due to ‘atmospheric rain’ phenomenon. Due to this the loss of life and property has been significant. Imagine a massive river flowing high above the Earth, carrying enough […]

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